Given questions about the number of Team Information Sheet, your team only needs to have four copies for the tournament. One for check-in and one for each judging room. You can find an example of my team's information sheet from last year at and the template at nfoSheet-fixed-12-2-11.pdf < _sites_default_files_Official-5FEvent-5FInfo_TeamInfoSheet-2Dfixed-2D12-2D2- 2D11.pdf&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBP FMgGjb2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sa i5U&s=6FQCfXfY2RTN2ttQjK9wN7UZ1SdFiWWLaU0uQuUcVBo&e=> . Below is a repost about judging as everyone is in their final prep. Good luck. Scott Rakestraw Judge Advisor Team Information Sheet For each judging room, have a Team Information Sheet. You can find the template at nfoSheet-fixed-12-2-11.pdf < _sites_default_files_Official-5FEvent-5FInfo_TeamInfoSheet-2Dfixed-2D12-2D2- 2D11.pdf&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBP FMgGjb2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sa i5U&s=6FQCfXfY2RTN2ttQjK9wN7UZ1SdFiWWLaU0uQuUcVBo&e=> . The team information sheet helps the judge remember the team. Also, judges love it when teams introduce themselves. Judging Rubric Judges use a rubric to score teams in the judging rooms. The rubric for all judging rooms can be downloaded at ned-rubrics-2015.pdf < _sites_default_files_Official-5FEvent-5FInfo_combined-2Drubrics-2D2015.pdf&d =BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5Q IoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=u50l NArsb-NKwYqg02D1vG79EC2W4uD1VB9fbuOQA4E&e=> . At the end of the tournament, you should receive a copy of the rubric for your team. To prepare, have your team review the rubric. Judging Rubric Judges use a rubric to score teams in the judging rooms. The rubric for all judging rooms can be downloaded at ned-rubrics-2015.pdf < _sites_default_files_Official-5FEvent-5FInfo_combined-2Drubrics-2D2015.pdf&d =BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5Q IoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=u50l NArsb-NKwYqg02D1vG79EC2W4uD1VB9fbuOQA4E&e=> . At the end of the tournament, you should receive a copy of the rubric for your team. To prepare, have your team review the rubric. Project Judging Room For Project, you will have 5 minutes, including setup time, to present your solution. After you present, there will be a 5 minute Q&A. Robot Design This is an opportunity for the team to discuss and demonstrate their robot. Plan for a 10 minute judging session. There will be a mission table setup for the team to use. Teams should be prepared to run missions and discuss how they built and programmed their robot. I would highly recommend having some program print outs. Not all of your programs, just what you want to highlight. If your team chooses to prepare a technical notebook that shows the evolution of the strategy, robot and programming, that can be beneficial. Core Values For Core Values, teams will be given a challenge and less than 5 minutes to conduct the challenge. After the challenge, there will be a brief Q&A session. There is very high probability the team will be asked about Gracious Professionalism, Core Values and CoopertitionT. Judging Rooms Judging sessions are closed sessions. The team plus 3 observers (two coaches/mentors and one historian are allowed to observe). You can just send in the team and no observers. To demonstrate core values, teams should be silent while waiting outside a judging room. Judging rooms are typically class rooms. You will need bring in all your presentation supplies. (Note, Robot Design will have a mission table setup. You do not need to provide mission components.) Helpful Resources < =BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5Q IoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=RsZY H3bNOje6LHNaz6WzK9dyr4jHqxWH0XuZP3PkDRE&e=> - StartingPoints Weekly Core Values Challenge Newsletter < MFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoE OeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=7L5a1Ci v0Ekw_epnkHj5KbH01ZtjxSEg_qcrTFAftj0&e=> - great team resources < FAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoEO eBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=otPjr2c1 _ffxdpYrh2Bqcsv4jT7B83Lv9b_e5nJ7qbU&e=> - worksheets, printable mat and elements images < com&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGj b2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s =VtfvA0RcahjFA-svn6ZcFhwc3ApbVFetes2kZfBwZx4&e=> - Shared lessons and resources from an experienced coach and judge < m&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2 r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=Q aXW8u_-NFQzqBhtn0eWPO7R2tFJfvVhwxX2nDI-9vI&e=> - Shared lessons and resources from an experienced coach and judge. < s_team-2Dresources&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r= k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_F G4OIPgv9sai5U&s=toeHx8lZ0bTyKw-NKH9gCw_LEfuMeZAog_va3YexUao&e=> - VA-DC FLL Resources Page Project Judging Room For Project, you will have 5 minutes, including setup time, to present your solution. After you present, there will be a 5 minute Q&A. Robot Design This is an opportunity for the team to discuss and demonstrate their robot. Plan for a 10 minute judging session. There will be a mission table setup for the team to use. Teams should be prepared to run missions and discuss how they built and programmed their robot. I would highly recommend having some program print outs. Not all of your programs, just what you want to highlight. If your team chooses to prepare a technical notebook that shows the evolution of the strategy, robot and programming, that can be beneficial. Core Values For Core Values, teams will be given a challenge and less than 5 minutes to conduct the challenge. After the challenge, there will be a brief Q&A session. There is very high probability the team will be asked about Gracious Professionalism, Core Values and CoopertitionT. Judging Rooms Judging sessions are closed sessions. The team plus 3 observers (two coaches/mentors and one historian are allowed to observe). You can just send in the team and no observers. To demonstrate core values, teams should be silent while waiting outside a judging room. Judging rooms are typically class rooms. You will need bring in all your presentation supplies. (Note, Robot Design will have a mission table setup. You do not need to provide mission components.) Helpful Resources < =BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5Q IoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=RsZY H3bNOje6LHNaz6WzK9dyr4jHqxWH0XuZP3PkDRE&e=> - StartingPoints Weekly Core Values Challenge Newsletter < MFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoE OeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=7L5a1Ci v0Ekw_epnkHj5KbH01ZtjxSEg_qcrTFAftj0&e=> - great team resources < FAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoEO eBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=otPjr2c1 _ffxdpYrh2Bqcsv4jT7B83Lv9b_e5nJ7qbU&e=> - worksheets, printable mat and elements images < com&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGj b2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s =VtfvA0RcahjFA-svn6ZcFhwc3ApbVFetes2kZfBwZx4&e=> - Shared lessons and resources from an experienced coach and judge < m&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2 r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_FG4OIPgv9sai5U&s=Q aXW8u_-NFQzqBhtn0eWPO7R2tFJfvVhwxX2nDI-9vI&e=> - Shared lessons and resources from an experienced coach and judge. < s_team-2Dresources&d=BQMFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r= k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=1QmwIcg2nMEJtJhcUcCuWbk-Alsr_F G4OIPgv9sai5U&s=toeHx8lZ0bTyKw-NKH9gCw_LEfuMeZAog_va3YexUao&e=> - VA-DC FLL Resources Page -- To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit and select "Join or leave the list". -- VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ANNOUNCEMENTS-L. 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