
1. There are no rules concerning the number of animals in a circle. As per the challenge, you can place all animals in one circle and score 20 points per animal. To score an additional 35 points for the chicken, it has to be placed in the small circle.
    Value: 20 Per Animal *Animals are completely in any circle which is completely empty of Plastic Bags. 
    Value: 35 The Chicken is completely in the small circle.

2. You can run the same missions in all the rounds, or choose to run different ones as part of your strategy. The referees look at the best of total scores out of the 3 rounds.

Hope that helps.

Monson Cherian
Coach, Future Geekbots

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Janel Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
1. Can more than one animal be in a circle at one time?

2. Can a successful mission be ran in more than one match or can it only be scored once during tournament?
Janel Miller
Assistant coach

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