Thanks Steve,So if I'm reading it right, there should be no problem if they want to store their attachments in the West Transfer area, provided that it has no strategic value (other than being out of the way and nearby). If so, we'll practice it that way.Thanks,Frank LevineOn Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 9:49 PM, VA-DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Yes, we include all items that the team has control of, including mission Models in Safety, as being "allowable things" for purposes of R11.Most tournaments will try to have a small table or a chair available for your team's use in storing items. Teams can put a storage bin or box there.Scott Shumway is correct; items in the team's control and off the Field should count as being in Safety during scoring. But it's always clearest when they are nearby.My reading of R11 would not allow putting items in the West Transfer Area for storage, since that isn't "adjacent" to Safety.(Actually, my reading of R11 is pretty narrow, requiring that storing something that "extend[s]" out of Safety means that it has to also be partially in Safety, but I recognize that that is kind of a subtle point.)Also, in my years in FLL, we've never allowed a non-LEGO bin to be placed on the Field during a match. I think that most referees would require a team to remove any Equipment from the bin and store the items individually. Using the bin for transport to the table is perfectly fine, of course.Steve ScherrVirginia-DC FLL Referee AdvisorOn Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 9:19 PM, Scott H. Shumway <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Our tournament tables had little folding tables next to them for storage of such things. While I agree the rules you reference appear to allow what you request, the "final" decision will be up to the head referee at your tournament.As for articles that come back, it would be best to keep them in safety or with the technicians. Putting them on the table outside of safety runs the risk of them. It being scored if a) you leave them there, b) the ref didn't see them enter safety with the robot, or c) the ref invoking R14 Stranding and making it stay out of safety. In general the refs do an excellent job of paying attention and giving benefit of the doubt, but you should be allowed to remove those items from the table and keep them with the technicians. This is usually considered still "in safety" at the end of the match.Maybe not as warm fuzzy as you'd hoped for, but hopefully it helps!Thanks,ShumwayHi All,We are going through final rehearsals for our tournament tonight and a question came up. We use a tupperware bin to hold all of our attachments during the match. The technicians would like to place that bin in the West Transfer area during the match so they can both be free to do their jobs. Assuming that we do not use the West Transfer area, is that allowed? My reading of Rule R11 says that it is...R11 – Workspace and Storage● ON THE FIELD: Handling and storage of allowable things may extend out of Safety, into adjacent irrelevant Field space only if specific actions and locations are completely non-strategic.● OFF THE FIELD: Equipment and Models are not allowed on the floor.Given the delicate choreography that they are rehearsing (both kids have specific actions to perform between missions) we would like to get a warm-fuzzy that this will not be a problem at the tournament.A followup that I have - As articles come back from missions (bars, compost, toys, etc) do they need to stay in safety, or do they fall under the "allowable things" definition of R11. Obviously they have to be in safety at the end of the match, this is more about what they do with them during the actual match.Thanks,Frank Levine
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