Hello, We are a rookie team. Reading through the requirements “Drive past the visually impaired man, and the dog will do her job” More: “Fence must be down because the robot completely crossed it from west, after travelling between the barriers : Y/N I see that the road goes from west to east. A couple of questions: 1. Does the robot have to move from west to east to pull warning fence down ? 2. Can the team come up with some creative way to pull the fence down other than travelling from west to east ? If so, do we get points 3. Do we get more points, only if we cross from west to east ? If not, we will get 15 points ?? Please advise -- To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit https://listserv.jmu.edu/archives/vadcfll-l.html and select "Join or leave the list". -- VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ANNOUNCEMENTS-L. Visit https://listserv.jmu.edu/archives/vadcfll-ANNOUNCEMENTS-l.html to subscribe.