First, thanks for coaching and volunteering. Tournaments start a week from today. As you are doing final preparation, please remember to bring 4 information sheets to tournament and have the ability to show some of your programs - printouts or on a device.
At tournaments, we are always looking for core values. Core Values judging does not just occur in the judging room. As part of core values, we look for how teams interact each other, volunteers and facilities.
· All our tournament directors, judges, referees and staff are all volunteers. Please remember to thank your volunteers and demonstrate Gracious Professionalism to all volunteers.
· We are guests at tournament facilities and want to come back. Please demonstrate core values and respect facilities.
· The best place to demonstrate core values is the practice table. Only using your allotted time show respect for other teams.
Judging Material (Update)
One big change this year is no judging-related materials will be left with the judges unless the judges specially ask to keep it. This only applies to judging material like binders. Items not related to judging, like team promotional items and samples are at the judge’s discretion. Basically, items you want to get back should not be left with judges. Judges have limited or no time to review material so it does not benefit a team to leave material. Judges are encouraged to do a call back visit in the pit area when the choice for an award is not obvious.
Project Sharing
Project sharing is required for Champion and Projects Awards. The goal is to share your project with multiple individuals or groups who may benefit. Sending an email to the VA-DC FIRST LEGO League list-serve about your team’s project or two your team’s website does NOT qualify as sharing.
Information Sheet
The team should take 1 copy of the information sheet into each judging room – Core Values, Project and Robot Design. Take a minimum of 4 printed copies to tournament. Team Information sheets are used to help judges remember teams.
Example Information Sheet
View my blog post for example information sheets.
Creating a Team Information Sheet
1 Download the template at
2 Open in Adobe Acrobat. DO NOT edit in the browser, it will not let you insert an image.
3 Edit the template
4 Print 4 copies for the tournament. You will need one for each judging room and one for registration.
Troubleshooting – Can’t add a picture
Open the pdf file in Adobe Acrobat, not your browser, and click the picture area. This will allow you to select a picture.
OPTIONAL: Core Values Poster and Robot Design Executive Summary
Given some to the questions related to the core values poster and Robot Design Executive Summary (RDES), I wanted to provide guidance to both teams and judges. VA-DC historically has not required a core values poster or RDES due to the compressed season. The same applies this year, the core values poster and RDES are optional. The judging format below outlines what to expect if you do or do not bring in supplemental material.
Core Values Judging Format
No judging material will be left with the judges - other than team info sheet.
Core Values Poster is optional in the VA-DC region. A Core Values Poster is encouraged as it provides a conversation guide for both rookie and experienced teams.
1. 5 minutes – Teamwork Activity: When your team enters the judging room, they will be given a short, fun activity while the Judges observe how the team works together. Team introductions should be extremely brief.
2. 5 minutes – Questions and Answers: Time reserved for the Core Values Judges to ask questions about the Teamwork Activity, your displayed Core Values Poster and the season. Core Values Posters are optional in VA-DC. Teams with posters and team without posters should be weighted equally.
Project Judging Format
No judging material will be left with the judges - other than team info sheet.
1. 5 minutes – Project Presentation: When your team enters the judging room, they will have 5 minutes to present their project. All setup is included in the 5 minutes and no adults should help with setup. Team introductions should be extremely brief.
2. 5 minutes – Questions and Answers: Judges will ask questions related to the Project Rubric.
Robot Design Judging Format
No judging material will be left with the judges – other than team info sheet.
Robot Design Executive Summary (RDES) is optional in our region. RDES is encouraged as it provides a conversation guide for both rookie and experienced teams.
1. 4 minutes – Robot Presentation and Trial Run: When the team enters the judging room, they should be prepared to present their robot and conduct one trial run. Team introductions should be extremely brief.
Robot Presentation
The robot presentation should cover the following:
a. Robot Facts
b. Design Details (Fun, Strategy, Design Process)
c. Mechanical Design
d. Programming
e. Innovation
Trial Run
Run the robot briefly to demonstrate how it completes the mission(s) of the team’s choice. Please do not do an entire robot round.
2. 6 minutes – Questions and Answers: Judges will ask questions related to the Robot Design Rubric. It is highly recommended each team have a means of showing some programming.
Tournament Related Blog Post:
Program Printouts for Robot Design Judging
FLL Tournament Walk-through Video
Keeping your fidgeter from distracting judges
Best of luck,
Scott Rakestraw
VA-DC Head Judge Advisory