Teams that buy just a standard EV3 Kit and go to competition, do not
realize that it is just a simple kit and that the team need more motors and
sensors to make competitive robots and also be fault tolerant. I have seen
teams that scramble for parts in the last minute for some reason or the

The first time, our team competed, the team was young and one of the guys
carrying the robot dropped it and needless to explain the rest...We
realized the hard way, that we needed to build more robust robots and have
spares for motors and sensors.  So we bought additional motors and sensors.
All new and some of them have not been opened from the plastic pouch.

If you order from Lego directly, sometimes, the website says that the parts
are not available and you have to pay shipping charges as well.

I have the following motors and sensors for sale. If you live close to
Herndon, VA and would like to get any of the motors or sensors, reach out
to me directly.

One Large Motor
One Small Motor
One Ultra Sonic Sensor
One EV3 Light Sensor
One NXT Light Sensor
One Infra Red Sensor
One bunch of Cables
A set of gears and casings.

If you are interested in buying all of them, it is ideal. If you are
interested in one or more of them, let me know. Based on the responses, I
will decide.


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