I believe that in the above case, you will not be awarded points for bringing a model back to base. For e.g. your robot hooks up the broken pipe but cannot get back to base.
Is my understanding correct?
Todd has a good comment. If your team prepares the referee to know if there is something in particular to look for, or some action that they want him or her to take, then they have a better chance of success.Just as your team wants to engineer your robot to reduce variability, your team can also "engineer" the referee to reduce variability :-) [at least, that's what I call it!]R14 (plus Update 1) is the rule on Interrupting the robot. Remember that the robot may continue doing things after it is brought back to Base, but it needs to meet all the conditions for a Launch (R13) in order to keep on going.Steve ScherrVirginia-DC FLL Referee AdvisorOn Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Todd J Lennox <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Matthew is right on with his responses. Want to discuss though item #2 as I have seen some issues with this one in the past. The referee will pick up the robot if asked. They will though often not grab it immediately in order to ensure that is the team wants. They are NOT responsible for anything that happens between the time you ask and they actually pick up the robot. If a scoring criteria indicates it is to be scored based on what appears at end of match the referee can’t give you credit for a condition your robot changed as result of the referee not reacting to your request before the robot changed the condition.If you have a strategy or you know your robot tends to go haywire and therefore expect to ask the referee to pick the robot I recommend you have your technicians let the referee know before the match begins. Have them be specific about where the robot will be when you are likely to want to pick it up.Sent from my iPhoneFLL RefereeFLL CoachMatthew DenyszynV/R3. In Case 2. it would be a touch penalty (-5 points)1. There is no penalty if the robot is not in base at the end of the match2. If the robot is stranded the members can grab it and bring it back to base. If the can not reach the robot they can ask the referee for help.On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 1:24 PM, Cedric D'Costa <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Hi Referees, Coaches,
Please reply to the 3 questions below. Apologies in advance if I missed this in the documentation.
- Is there a penalty if the robot does not reach base at the end of the 2.5 minutes?
2. If the robot gets stranded, can a team member bring the robot back to base and
continue it's run or does the team member need to request the referee to do it?
3. What is the penalty in each of these cases, if any.
Thank you,
Cedric D'CostaCoach: FLL team, Fantastic-5
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