It turns out that I looked at this and determined the problem to some certainty: 

Using a volt meter, and checking pins 3 and 4 with the robot ON, I was able to tell that there was no voltage going to the sensor. I set the screen to "View" > sensor > port # and checked the voltage. On a good robot, I get near 4.5V. On my suspect robot, I get 0.02V.

Have any of you ever repaired a problem such as this?

Just sharing my experience with you, and looking for next step. 
Donald Williams P.E.
Phoebus High School
100 Ireland Street
Hampton, VA 23663

On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 12:48 PM Donald Williams <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I haven't used the robots for a while and when I get them out, and I can write programs and load the programs onto 12 robots. 11 of the robots work fine, but one won't recognize the light or sound sensor. It recognizes a touch sensor. I have verified the sensors works by swapping sensors and cables with other  robots (multiple times, with another teacher who is an electrical engineer watching). If I try going to "View" the sensors (on the correct ports), I get a value of "0". I have reloaded the firmware.

Any ideas?
Donald Williams P.E.
Phoebus High School
100 Ireland Street
Hampton, VA 23663

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