Area FLL teams are invited to come exhibit their work in progress at the Blue Ridge Brawl (an off-season FRC competition) this Saturday, October 5th at Salem High School, in the Roanoke Valley area. I'll have an FLL table set up, and the Robotic Rhinos and
Cyborg Sheep will be there. If your team would like to come show off work in progress (robot game or project), please let me know and we'll add you to the schedule!
Please don't feel like you don't have enough done to come show off. My teams *may* have two working missions by Saturday, but only if they have an amazing week this week.
Hope to see you there!
Dr. Catherine Sarisky
Associate Professor and Chair, Chemistry
RCROBOTS fellowship coordinator
Roanoke College
p: 540-375-2438
f: 540-375-2055
Make an appointment: