Chantilly Robotics would like to invite rookie teams in the Northern Virginia area to our “What to Expect at Your FLL Qualifying tournament” event on October 19th from 1-3pm. Sign-ups will be first come, first serve with priority given to rookie teams and registration will close on the 12th of October. Here is the link: . This event is meant to help rookie teams learn more about how the tournament will work and how to prepare. You will get a chance to learn about how judging is conducted, how the Robot game is scored, and give your team the opportunity to share your innovation project ideas with an expert.
-Don’t have your robot ready? That’s okay, come anyway!
-Have no idea what your Innovation Project will be? That’s okay, we’ll help you figure it out!
-Still don’t know what you got yourself into? We believe this event will help both coaches and students be more prepared for their event!

If you have any questions or are interested in having a member of 612 come to one of your meetings you can reach the team at [log in to unmask] . 

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