Its clearly lowered which gives you 20 points.

 Its independent and supported by another blue unit which gives you 15.

However, because it is resting on parts of the two blue blocks on the
bottom, both of those blocks are "level 1".  Due to the picture, its
unclear if both blocks are completely inside the blue circle.  If so you
would get 50.

You would also get an additional 10 points if all of your equipment fit
inside the small inspection area at the beginning of the match.

On Sun, Nov 24, 2019, 12:21 AM Lahiri Hanumanula <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi
> Is this a valid position to score 50 points for crane mission?
> Note: The top block is resting on top of 2 blue units.
> Thanks,
> Lahiri.
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