Put a timer reset block before the 2nd line follower

On Thu, Nov 14, 2019, 5:36 AM Rajeev Mehra <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I need a little help resolving a programming problem my team's kids are
> running into.
> We have a program where the robot launches and starts following the black
> line for a certain time, then turns right to push the traffic jam mission
> up. Then it turns left and is supposed to continue following the black line
> towards the swing. We are using a reusable block for "tape follower". The
> robot works fine until it has to follow the tape for the second time. At
> that point It just does not do anything. If we substitute the second "tape
> follower" block with a simple tank drive block, the robot works fine. The
> turn blocks are gyro assisted blocks and work fine.
> Any tips on how to resolve this issue?
> PS: Here is what the blocks look like:
> Drive robot straight for x revolutions >> follow tape for x revolutions >>
> turn right 5 degrees >> turn left 5 degrees >> follow tape again for x
> revolutions
> Sincerely,
> Rajeev Mehra
> Coach: Ultimate Onions
> FLL team #  47864
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