I am saddened that *FIRST *FLL has a mission that will encourage collision
and conflict.  I was shocked when I fully understood the ramifications of
this mission.  What happened to collaboration? What happened to “Gracious
Professionalism & Coopertition”?  I believe there is enough conflict in the
Peggy Morgan
*Walker-Jones EC *
*Washington, D.C.*

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 4:40 PM VA-DC FLL Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>

> Yes, two Robots might collide while they are both on the Bridge.  No,
> there is not a gap to make the Robots avoid colliding -- "It is okay and
> expected for Robots to collide while trying to earn Flag points."
>   I don't know if most teams have designed their Robots to be able to
> climb the Bridge.  If so, then we'll probably see some collisions.  I'll
> know more after this weekend's tournaments.
> For the other questions, please remember that your Team will get at least
> 3 tries to earn their highest score. (see Rule 37)  That's one way that FLL
> evens out the good/bad luck that may affect a single Match.
> Question: What if a Robot's attachment prevents the other Robot from
> reaching the top?
> Answer:
>    - Then the other Robot doesn't reach the top.
>    - The other Robot may still get points for being Supported by the
>    Bridge.  It could score Flag points, but it probably won't since it
>    wouldn't have gone as far up the Bridge as its Team wanted it to go.
> Question : What happens if a Robot's attachment is damaged by a collision
> and they don't have adequate time to fix it before the next run?
> Answer :
>    - If a Robot is damaged by a collision with another Robot, that's just
>    bad luck for that Match.  The team is allowed to retrieve the broken
>    pieces.  (Rule 22)
>    - Most tournaments will typically have 30 minutes or more between a
>    team's matches, so there is time available.  (But, your team might also
>    have to go to a judging session, which shortens the available time for
>    repairs.)
>    - If your Robot has an attachment that is very delicate and hard to
>    rebuild, then your Team might want to change their design to be more
>    robust..
>    - If there's a catastrophe affecting your Robot before your match,
>    then your Team can talk to the your Table Referee, the Head Referee, etc.
>    There may be some limited options they can use.
> Steve Scherr
> Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 12:53 PM Shyamala Chikkam <
> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have some questions about the bridge mission.
>> If a Robot has a front attachment then it could potentially collide with
>> the other team's Robot when it gets to the top of the bridge.
>> What if a Robot's attachment prevents the other Robot from reaching the
>> top? What happens if a Robot's attachment is damaged by a collision and
>> they don't have adequate time to fix it before the next run?
>> Will there be sufficient gap between the 2 Robots on the bridge to avoid
>> this situation?
>> Thanks,
>> Shyamala
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