I'm a Rookie coach and I have been following all the threads since September and attended some sessions that Kaitlyn and her team have been posting here. The rules that are laid out are very good. Compared to last years rules (I wasn't aware of them until this year) these rules will keep everyone engaged and involved. We figured there are more ways to get points rather than only solving the missions like every previous year.
Kids understood it right away after coaches explained these rules and kids also explained some rules to the coaches.
I'm assuming there will not be a big point difference between the leader of the tournament and the other teams. The various teams total points will be close to each other. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Kaitlin Ilnitzki and I can carry feedback to FLL.
I don't really understand what the concern is yet.
Using Home as a target area to return to is larger than the Launch Area, and it also has more walls to help stop the Robot, so it seems to me like it would be easier to return to Home than to the Launch Area, although it is a little bit farther, so it would take a little bit more time.
We've tried to be pretty emphatic about this change in trainings and on this discussion list. Do people have recommendations for additional techniques we could use in the future to help your teams understand what they are reading?
Steve Scherr
Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor
I agree with Heather's and others comments. I am at a loss for the reasoning behind the changes. There will be many teams that will not be aware of the difference between home and launch.
I find it disheartening that we will penalize teams if they bring the robot back to it original launch location. This would be typical to Industry. I note FLL has already made it a smaller base. So it is already more challenging.
How do we provide feedback to FLL?
Best regards
Dr. Aprille Ericsson