We're coming up on the third and final weekend of Regional tournaments. It's been a different year but our teams are making it work!
We are still in need of a number of volunteers at events this Saturday, February 6th. If you are available to help out as a volunteer, please let me know (you can email me directly at [log in to unmask] and if you want, copy [log in to unmask]).
In particular, we are in need of a number of referees as well as a handful of robot design, innovation project and core values judges.
To help answer some questions folks may have:
- All event are remote (so no travel required!)
- Referee rounds tend to be from about 9 am - 2 pm. Referees will not be interacting directly with teams - they will be reviewing and scoring recorded videos of runs
- Judging rounds tend to be from 8 am - 4 pm (events differ, depending on the number of teams). Judges will review materials the teams pre-submit and then meet (remotely) with the teams for the judging session
- Training is provided! All volunteers will be part of groups so no one is alone!
If you're interested and able to volunteer, we'd love to have the help! Please let me know what role(s) you're interested in (referee, robot design judge, innovation project judge, core values judge) and if you have any time limitations. We can then get you signed up for an event that needs your help this Saturday!