There are plenty of places to find spare parts, some better than others depending on your budget and time constraints.

If you’re looking for motorcycle wheels and tires BrickOwl and BrickLink are probably the easiest to target exactly what you want.
With BrickOwl limit the search to the United States and try to find a single seller that has the entire quantity you want (at least 2 in your case).

If you click on the “Comes In” tab on BrickOwl you’ll see the actual LEGO kits the parts were a part of, so you might be able to find the kits locally (Walmart, Target, etc).

Other places include:
If you have a bunch of time, like off season before the next season, you could search for “LEGO Technic”, “Mindstorms”, “NXT”, “EV3" in the following online market places, sometimes you’ll get lucky.  Throw in “bulk” or “lot” as part of the search terms too.  You won’t have the laser focus that you get from BrickOwl but you can quickly add to your inventory that way.  If you’re into yard/garage sales that’s a decent option too.  From any of these options you might have to clean the parts.

On Oct 10, 2021, 1:33 PM -0400, Manisha Marwah <[log in to unmask]>, wrote:
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My students need spare 2 Ev3 wheels, large thin/motorcycle ones. Does anyone have any spare ones or any pointers where I can find them to kindly purchase to be shipped on time? Children are working to build a robot and requested some help on spare ones or extra parts for wheels so they can complete their prototype.


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