Old Dominion University M.S.Ed.; Math Specialist K-8 | Old Dominion University B.A.
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Hello Teams!
I wanted to let you all know the agenda for Tuesday's virtual meetup. There is still room for teams to join, so please let me know if you are interested. The Zoom meeting will start at 5:00PM and end around 6:30. It will lead off with Kaitlin saying a few things and then the teams members will split up into small groups where they can share whatever they want. Videos of the robot game, outreach opportunities, descriptions of their innovation projects, whatever. Last year it was a lot of fun, so we are looking forward to it. After the teams split off into their groups, the coaches can hang out and ask Katilin questions, or ask other coaches questions. For sure, those teams advancing to the state tournament will probably really want to take advantage of this opportunity.
So, if you are interested, let me know and I will add you to the list!
And for the teams competing this weekend, GOOD LUCK!!!
Coach Skip MorrowTeam #24277Norfolk Collegiate O.A.K.S.
Hello VA-DC FLL Teams. I am Skip Morrow, assistant and volunteer coach for the Norfolk Collegiate O.A.K.S. We are planning a virtual team meetup over Zoom on Tuesday, the 23rd of Nov from 4:00PM to 6:00PM. We will have breakout rooms for small groups of teams to share their project and robot game ideas. We did this last year and had close to 100 kids join in. It was a lot of fun for the kids, and it allowed them to hear more about the great work done by the teams. The meetup is open to all teams in Divisions 1 and 2. Let's see if we can break Zoom!
If you would like to join us, please reply to this in the listserv or to me directly at [log in to unmask].
Coach Skip MorrowTeam #24277Norfolk Collegiate O.A.K.S.
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