Let's look at the rules. 

Well from Clarification 06 we know that we cannot hand the robot from one home area to another. 

Page 20 rule 1 tells us that if the robot is interrupted and partly put out of launch, the team rescues to that home. If the robot is completely out of launch then the team can rescue the robot to either home area with a loss of a precision token. 

Page 19 rule 2 tells us that the team may use their hands on equipment, robot, and mission models that are completely in home. 

Page 18 gives us a great picture of what home is. Home is the BOTH LAUNCH areas and space between the mat and the wall. 

Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions.   

Michael Brown

VA-DC Referee Advisor. 

---- On Sat, 03 Sep 2022 17:58:56 -0400 John Sammons <[log in to unmask]> wrote ---

Thanks for the reminder. 
Does clarification 6 mean that the robot has to be programmed to go from launch area 1 to home 2 for that other group to launch from launch area 2? 
Group 1 launches robot from Launch Area 1, completes a mission or two, and the robot goes to Home 2 where Group 2 can then touch it to launch from Launch Area 2. They cannot jus physically hand it off. Could Group 2 pick up that robot? 
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