Hi, Sara,I haven't seen the Team Information Sheet recently, but it sounds like there is a question about who your team shared their project ideas with? You stated that you felt like it wasn't "required" according to the rubric. First, I'm not a big fan of the word "required" anywhere within FLL (other than our core values). My kids ask me questions all the time like "Does the robot HAVE to do this?", for which the answer is always "No. The robot doesn't HAVE to do that. But if you want the points, then that is a different question." Anyway, the rubrics don't require anything. But they are going to be used to assess the team's judging session. All that being said, under "Iterate", the "Accomplished (3-point)" criteria is "Shared their solution with user AND professional". I think of "users" and "professionals" as part of the larger community. So if I am understanding your questions correctly, I do think it is covered by the rubric.Respectfully,Skip MorrowCAUTION: This email originated from outside of JMU. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
My team was looking at the team information sheet and we were wondering about the last question for the innovation project. In the past I know sharing out with the larger community was one of the expectations. However, that is not one of the requirements this year according to the rubrics. Can any offer some guidance on how, or if, we should be answering that question.
Sara Short
Second Grade Teaching Fellow
Robotics Coach
(honorific / pronouns: Mrs. / she, her, hers)
Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School of the Nation’s Capital
30 years of learning and growth
Kay and Robert Schattner Center
North Campus | 6045 16th Street NW | Washington, DC 20011
South Campus | 4715 16th Street NW | Washington, DC 20011
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