The Ethics in Action email series is designed to give you an opportunity to increase your ethical reasoning skills using hypothetical scenarios. The goal is to practice using the Eight Key Questions to guide your response before you come to a decision about how to act in frequently occurring moral situations.

Consider this hypothetical scenario:                                                                                                                          

You are an IT specialist for a small private business. Your company has a policy outlining privacy and expectations for the use of company computers, email, internet and other resources to ensure productivity and protect the company from any employees engaging in illegal behavior. Over lunch, a co-worker and friend tells you that they anonymously wrote a critical post about their neighbor, who also happens to be your supervisor, on the company’s Discord channel. Later that day, you get an email from your supervisor asking you to access your friend’s computer and report on their activity.

How do you decide what to do? 

We are JMU - action powered by ethical reasoning.

Ethical Reasoning in Action
on social:  @jmu8kq

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