To follow up on these questions, can the players put a rechargeable battery into the Dinosaur Toy with their hands if they have brought the rechargeable battery back to the launch area with the robot? Sincerely, Leslie Harper Instructional Technology Coach J. W. Alvey Elementary School 571-261-2556 Zoom Office (Drop in for Immediate Assistance)< > Schedule a Zoom Coaching/Collaboration Session< > From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of VA-DC FLL Referee Advisor Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 5:03 PM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [External] Re: [VADCFLL-L] [VADCFLL-L] Dinosaur Toy & Home Question EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from outside of PWCS. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content. CAUTION: This email originated from outside of JMU. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. ________________________________ Question 1. Page 18 Rule 2 tells us that All equipment must stay in home and so therefore no they may not extend out over the walls. Question 2. The dinosaur starts at home and belongs to the team. They may set it up however they choose on the robot. Keep in mind update 01. Update 01 tells us that if you combine a mission model with equipment, it must be simple enough to be taken apart immediately. Michael Brown VA DCFL Referee Advisor ---- On Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:18:21 -0500 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> wrote ---- CAUTION: This email originated from outside of JMU. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. ________________________________ Two Questions: 1. When in home, can any robot attachment extend over and outside the black walls of the table? 2. Can a team pre-attach the Dinosaur toy over the robot while performing other missions near the blue home, return to the blue home for an attachment swap and then take the dinosaur toy to the red home? (All the time the dinosaur toy stays mounted on the robot) Thanks, -Nilay Gandhi -- To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit< > and select "Join or leave the list". -- VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ANNOUNCEMENTS-L. Visit< > to subscribe. ________________________________ To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit< > and select "Join or leave the list". VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ANNOUNCEMENTS-L. Visit< > to subscribe. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your settings, please visit and select "Join or leave the list". -- VADCFLL administrative announcements are sent via VADCFLL-ANNOUNCEMENTS-L. Visit to subscribe.