---- On Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:35:59 -0500 [log in to unmask] wrote ----
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As long as the ROBOT does it. You can't knock it off the ramp literally ANY way you feel like it. I'm sure that is implied in your answer, but to ensure that everyone reading it knows it too, I thought it was worth mentioning.
By the way, since the question was about the robot hitting the ramp, I guess it should also be mentioned that there is a stipulation about the robot causing damage and it makes it easier to solve the mission, the points may not score (see pg 20 in the rules). If the ramp isn't damaged, then there's no problem.
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None of the missions this year dictate how they need to be done; the only thing that matters is the state of the board at the end of the match. You can knock the car off the ramp any way you feel like.
-Martin Scherr
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If the robot hits the hybrid car’s stand and it rolls off the ramp does that count for points, or does the robot have to lift the red bar to release the car for points? Thank you.
Leslie Harper
Instructional Technology Coach
J. W. Alvey Elementary School
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From: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Skip Morrow
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 9:02 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [External] Re: [VADCFLL-L] Core Value judging
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Hello Kathleen,
Core values are still being judged in the 30 minute combined judging session. For teams that have been around for a few years, the way it is done will be a little new. But it will be quite similar to the way it has been done for the last two years, only those last two years were virtual. This year it is in-person. See below for a short history lesson.
So, what can teams expect in the way of Core Values judging?
- First, there will NOT be some task or challenge that the team will have to complete. Again, this is something the veteran teams may be used to, but it isn't being done any more.
- The judging rooms MAY have a specific judge dedicated to Core Values, but not always. It shouldn't make much of a difference to the teams one way or the other.
- The judges will be evaluating teams against the Core Values rubric. I have pasted the text of that rubric below
- There is no expectation that teams will have to present anything specifically for core values. Judges MAY ask the team if they have a short presentation (less than 2-3 minutes) that they would like to share, but that will be specific to each session. And if the team doesn't have a presentation, that is OK. The judges will be prepared to ask the right questions.
- Judges will be evaluating the teams throughout the presentation. During your project presentation, are you hitting upon the six core values? Same for the Robot Design. Even if your team doesn't do a presentation for robot design (it is not required), the judges will be looking for evidence of the Core Values in the team's answers.
Core Values Rubric:
DISCOVERY – Team explored new skills and ideas.
INNOVATION – Team used creativity and persistence to solve problems.
IMPACT – Team applied what they learned to improve their world.
INCLUSION – Team demonstrated respect and embraced their differences.
TEAMWORK – Team clearly showed they had worked as a team throughout their journey.
FUN – Teams clearly had fun and celebrated what they have achieved.
I hope that helps, Kathleen
Very Respectfully,
History of Core Values judging during VA-DC FLL tournaments
- Prior to and including the Fall of 2019, teams had three 10-minute judging sessions. For Innovation Project, the team went into a classroom, gave their presentation for five minutes, then answered questions for five minutes (ten minutes total). For Robot Design, the team went in the room, maybe gave a presentation for up to five minutes (optional, up to the team), and then answered questions for five minutes (ten minutes total). For Core Values the team went in the room, was given instructions for doing some fun challenge, probably had three minutes or so to complete the challenge, then answered questions about core values for five minutes (ten minutes total). This all changed in 2020.
- Fall of 2020 VA-DC, all of FLL went to a 30-minute consolidated judging format. This was planned before COVID, and had nothing to do with COVID. We used the new 30-minute format, but it was all done virtually because of COVID. Over the last two years we tried different things like making videos of the project presentation and robot runs, and did virtual interviews for the judging. One thing that was gone though was the core values task challenge during the judging. It was felt that the task challenge, while fun, wasn't the best way to get a feel for the teams' implementation of Core Values. I very much agree and much prefer the new way.
- This year, we are back to 100 percent in-person games and judging. We are still doing the 30-minute sessions, just like the last two years, only now it is in-person.
On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 7:32 AM Kathleen Olowin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
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How is Core Values being evaluated in the combined judging session? Are
the teams still being presented with a task to do as in years past?
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