Hello Coaches!
The Norfolk Collegiate O.A.K.S. would like to invite all VA-DC FLL teams to join us on Saturday Oct 21st at Norfolk Collegiate School in Norfolk, VA, from 10:00am to 12:00. Team members can come,
but depending on how many teams RSVP, we may need to limit the total number of people.
This is not a scrimmage where you will be competing against anyone. This is all about sharing and learning. We will have a table set up where you can run your missions, and there will be other
coaches available to help answer any questions you may have. This is the perfect opportunity for new coaches and new teams to get a small taste of what it will be like at a tournament, without actually competing!
So, no matter how un-prepared you think your team is, you are absolutely fine to come to our meetup.
If you are interested, please email myself and our head coach Barbara Sutelan at
We hope to see you there!
Very Respectfully,
Skip Morrow