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To everyone who made the Ashburn Tournament possible this past Sunday...THANK YOU SO DARN MUCH! We brought three rookie teams this year (all teens) and they all left on such a high. Hands-down our favorite part of the day was seeing all the kids do a conga line before the awards ceremony. What joy!
We realize this event is only possible thanks to an army of dedicated volunteers working both behind the scenes in the lead-up and at the actual event. Thank you to all the judges, refs, scorers, timers, MCs, administrators, snack bar volunteers and more who made it all seem so seamless. Of course, a special thanks to Kaitlin Ilnitzki for being our fearless tournament organizer and for Rosa Lee Elementary for opening your doors to us all.
And for anyone heading into this weekend's tournaments who may be rookies like ourselves, fear not! The fun to be had is most definitely worth all the fuss. If you need any last minute tips or tricks, feel free to reach out to me directly. Happy to pass along a few things we learned the day of.
Again, thank you VA/DC FLL for a tremendous tournament weekend!
Coach Chris
R-MA Robotics
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