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Hi Teams,
First, a HUGE shoutout to Kaitlin and the incredible group of volunteers for a spectacular State tournament experience on Sunday. All three of our teams left on Cloud 9.
Second, I gathered our teams together yesterday and had them answer the questions below in a couple sentences. Some of the answers made me laugh. Other moved me to tears. I thought I'd share in case you wanted to do the same with your team. As a coach, their answers were definitely the cherry on top of our season.
PS: If you have any questions to add, feel free to reply to this thread!
Coach Chris
R-MA Robotics, Front Royal, VA
What 3 words best describe your FLL season?
What moment in this season would you want to experience all over again?
What are three pieces of advice you'd give an FLL rookie team?
What was the coolest thing you saw at either the regional or the state tournament?
What can you do now that you couldn't do before the season started?
What are you most proud of this season?
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