I am pretty sure a hub update will always delete all the downloaded programs. Our team does hub resets frequently and then re-downloads code to make sure we have the correct programs on our hub, to free up space and make sure we do not accidently
run the wrong program in competition.
You cannot recover code from the hub. All code exists on the device (ipad, laptop, etc) you run the programming software on.
If you are losing code, the issue may be a different one. You have to be VERY careful about where the programming software is saving the files. This is especially true on iPads. Since we cannot see where the "recent projects" are saved (every program in
the list may be in a different folder, the cloud or the cache depending on how you opened the program), we try to always open files from the default programming software folder. At the end of the day, we move all programs to a backup folder, open the programming
software to clear the "recent files", and copy the "good" programs back to the default programming software folder.
One other note. We have not used laptops or android tablets for a while, but on the iPad, make sure you ALWAY click the HOME button or close the tab before you switch programs or close the programming software to make sure the current program is written
back to the folder. You will not lose your changes if you do not, but it can be unclear where the changes are saved (sometimes they are only saved in the cache folder) and if you open a different version of a program with the same name, you may lose your changes
(if they are in the cache folder).
If you want to try an experiment and you have two iPads you program on, try this. Clear move/delete all files from the Spike Prime cache and default folders on a device. Then Airdrop a program file from the device you did not move/delete the files. Choose
to open the files with Spike Prime (rather than save to a folder). Now go look at the folders. The program you just airdropped will be in the cache folder, not the default folder but you will see the program in recent files. The program may not be saved to
the default folder until you close the tab or click the home button. If you moved more than one file, they may appear in recent files, but they may not be the default folder, they may be in the cache folder.
Hope some of this makes some sense and helps someone.