Hello VA/DC FLL Community


Hope you all are having a great summer!  We are gearing up for the Submerged Season and have just a few announcements including at timely grant opportunity we just found out about!  If you have any questions, please reach out to me directly at [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]


SUBMERGED Season Schedule:  We are finalizing our season schedule and plan to send that announcement out to all teams after season launch on August 6th.   In the meantime, here are a few important dates teams can expect.


*Timely*  BAE Teams Grants:   The FIRST®/BAE Systems Team Grant Application period is now open for FIRST Lego League (FLL), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), and FIRST Robotics Challenge (FRC) teams. Interested teams may apply via this link.   The full list of Target Location cities/towns can be found in the application ,but there are too many to list here and there is at least one Target Location in every US state. And, you must be at least 75 miles from a target location which with so many in our region, it is well worth it to apply!


Important Deadlines and Notes:

For questions, please contact [log in to unmask].

 You can learn more about BAE Systems and FIRST at baesystems.com/first.


New FLL Coaches Workshop:   VA/DC FLL is working with Virginia State University to host a FLL Challenge New Coach/ Mentor Workshop 


We have got lots of exciting announcements coming at the start of the season so stay tuned.


Happy Summer 😊



Kaitlin Ilnitzki

Program Manager




(540) 568-2216

800 South Main St. MSC 6911 

Harrisonburg, VA 22807


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