Thanks Mark and Michael!

On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 2:06 PM First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
That is correct. The circles are to help us referees know where to set them up. 

You have stated the requirements very well. Upright, touching the mat, and outside of home. 

Hope to see you at a competition soon! 

Michael Brown 
Referee Advisor 

---- On Mon, 26 Aug 2024 10:20:20 -0400 [log in to unmask] wrote ----

I believe that is correct. The rules state that if it is not mentioned, it doesn't matter, my team calls that a loophole in the rules.
Mark Nottingham
6th Grade Science Teacher
First Lego League Robotics Coach- CCMS Team 31516
Carroll County Middle School
Carroll County Public Schools

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 8:54 AM First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello Refs,

Please help me understand about the Reef Segments. "• If a reef segment is standing upright, outside
of home, and touching the mat".

So before the match, these reef segments are in their own small circles on the mat.
During the match we can move them around anywhere.
After the match, if they are out side of robot home area and still standing up right, don't need to be in their own circle, we will get point.

Am I correct?

Thang Nguyen

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