You may not use a foam organizer.  Page 13 rule 1. 

All equipment must be made of LEGO. 

All equipment the team brings must stay in home but can hang over the wall to the right and left. 

Good Luck. 

Michael Brown 
Referee Advisor

---- On Mon, 25 Nov 2024 10:09:25 -0500 [log in to unmask] wrote ----

Hello Refs,
  Our team has a question on Equipment Inspection.  Team is planning to use a foam organizer that fits within the dimensions of launch area with height limit of 12" for quicker equipment inspection as their attachments are kind of big.  Wanted to check if they can place that organizer with the attachments within it on one of the launch areas during the inspection and keep aside that organizer during the match.

Thanks in advance for your input.


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