
Thanks for passing on this information regarding women in the military. I tried posting this to the list earlier. Hopefully, it will get out this time.

I actually sat down to read this whole story. I was in the military over 20 years ago and have no knowledge of the problems described here. However, I was greatly troubled by what I read. I sent an email to the investigative reporters of Good Morning America and would love to put additional pressure on the media. I think the governmental pressure is also essential. I'd love to hear any ideas about how we might organize to make an impact on behalf of the women.

When living in Virginia, I had several colleagues who were Reservists. I believe all of them have been deployed by now, including at least one woman. I have a friend from seminary whose daughter is in the service. I am deeply concerned and will listen for more information.

Kind regards,

Rev. CL Nash, M.Div., PhD (12/08)