I am delighted to report that my correspondence with Andre den Exter, the
organizer of the International Conference on Human Rights and Biomedicine in
the Netherlands has a happy ending. Thanks to those of you who added your
voices, especially Jender who blogs at Feminist Philosophers. 
As a result of our consciousness raising about inclusiveness, our own Hilde
Lindemann has now been invited as a keynote speaker and has accepted the
invitation. For those not in bioethics, Hilde is President elect of ASBH
(American Society for Bioethics and Humanities). Hilde and Margaret Walker
along in collaboration with United States and Dutch colleagues have recently
completed a project with a volume forthcoming from Cambridge  - Naturalized
Bioethics; some of those Dutch colleagues have been encouraged to join Hilde
in presenting at the conference. In addition the conference organizers have
asked me to mention that they have invited a female government Minister to
speak and have added a session on post-communist issues. 
If you did not take part in this action, I ask you to think about why you
didn't and how important it is for each of us to take responsibility for
drawing attention to and correcting the marginalization and inclusion of
feminist voices.  
Dona Quixote aka Robin






Robin N. Fiore, PhD

Adelaide R. Snyder Professor of Ethics 

Senior Assistant Vice President for Research Ethics

Department of Philosophy AH-110

Florida Atlantic University

777 Glades Road

PO Box 3091

Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991


Phone 561-297-3869

FAX 561-297-2095

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"Justice will not come... until those who are not injured are as indignant
as those who are."  [Thucydides]