i know someone who might be very intrested in it.  When would you need the review by? And for what journal?
Suzanne J. Levitt*
Professor of Law 
Drake Law School
2400 University Avenue
voice:  515-271-3851
fax: 515-271-4100
email:  [log in to unmask]

*Bar Admissions inlcude New York, Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, 2nd Circuit
Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, associated US
district courts, and the United States Supreme Court.

On Jul 14, 2008, at 9:29 AM, Lindsay Thompson wrote:

Is there anyone who would have the time and inclination to do a book review for me?  The book is on ecclesial virginity as political instrument and symbol in the fourth century.  Please contact me directly if you are interested and able.  My email address is below.
 Thanks so much.
Lindsay Thompson