From off our backs

To everyone on the list:

Thanks so much for your concern and interest in off our backs.  We are not closing down yet, but things are a bit difficult for us right now.  We are trying some last-ditch efforts in the hopes that we will be able to raise enough funds to continue publishing.

Ironically, we have been in a process of actually coming closer to achieving self-sustainability, but have a shortfall of approximately $20,000 at this time.  When we are able to afford enough staff to continue our new subscriber campaign, we in fact are able to steadily increase our revenue. If we can manage to fill this gap, we believe that we will be able to continue building our growing subscriber base through our subscriber outreach campaign, which, when we have been able to do it, has been remarkably successful.

As the oldest feminist publication in the United States, we are in our 38th year of publication, so hopefully, we'll be able to weather this latest downturn in funds and regroup to keep going. Rest assured that all of us on the collective are trying as hard as we can, and we have managed to come through funding shortfalls before, but we're not sure right now how this will happen.

We encourage you to donate at:

On behalf of the collective of off our backs, we sincerely thank you for your concern and your support.

Karla Mantilla
off our backs collective member

(You may forward this email as appropriate.)