
I have a student in my Ethics class that told me she wants to become  
a psychologist, focusing on counseling trans-gendered persons.  She  
wanted to know if I had any suggested reading material for her,  
something along the lines of trans-gendered ethics or philosophical  
reading that would be accessible to a college student.  Does anyone  
have any suggestions?  Please reply to me, and I will put together a  
list of resources and share it with the list if anyone else would  
like to see it.



Azzurra Crispino
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Austin Community College

Office:   			NRG 4259
Office Phone:   	512-223-4039
Office Hours:   	M&W 2:30pm-4pm
                             	T&Th 4:30pm-5:30pm
				and by appointment