I'm curious: where did the idea that Obama was "sensitive" to women's issues come from? Did he deviate from standard Dem party politics on this? and is the Democratic party a true promoter of women's rights? 

Kathy Miriam
-----Original Message-----
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: Nov 9, 2008 11:26 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Lawrence Summers
>Another element of concern in the Obama post-election is that he will
>apparently appoint Lawrence Summers as Secretary of the Treasury.  Summers
>was the recent president of Harvard who was sacked for making derogatory
>remarks about women's abilities to be scientists.
>Is Obama less sensitive about gender issues than we'd like to think?  Or
>does he regard the economic crisis as such an overwhelming priority that
>he will appoint anyone who he thinks can fix it, regardless of their
>record on gender issues?
>Marilyn Friedman