We were hoping that would be noticed!  Thanks.
Gaile Pohlhaus wrote:

Hi, Ann and other FEASTers!  


I'm so bummed that I couldn't join the FEAST this year.  However, I wanted to write in to say that I am very psyched about the task force and hope it is not inappropriate for me to point out that if you take out the Ph from WPhTF you are left with the shorthand for an expression one might find oneself saying when one sees one of the more egregious instances of the challenges women and other underrepresented folks face in our discipline...


Happy Feasting,



--- On Sat, 9/26/09, Garry, Ann <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Garry, Ann <[log in to unmask]>

Subject: Women in Philos Task Force Info.

To: [log in to unmask]

Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 11:02 AM

Hi FEASTers, both here at the conference and at home,

Last night at the business meeting I promised to forward information about the facebook page, website, and listserv for the recently organized Women in Philos Task Force.   I think one can’t “invite” a listserv, so below is the page.  If you look at the website, there is a link for signing up for the listserv (plus lots of other cool info, an explanation for how the “WPhTF” started, etc.

Ann Garry

Subject: [Wphtf] draft email invitation


This is the message about the  Women in Philosophy Task Force. The group is open to all those committed to working for gender equity in professional philosophy, and I thought it would be great to have you as a member. You can learn a little more about us by visiting our website here http://web.mit.edu/wphtf/.  The listserv info is on this site.


Facebook address:  http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=263254575014&ref=ts