OK, This seems to be turning into one of those things where folks have views that differ in important ways, but there seems to be a consensus that pulling away from Clearwater (at least for now) merits a word to the Florida legislature and possibly others (the Tampa/Clearwater City Council, perhaps?.

Is someone willing to draft a letter that could be sent from FEAST (with the approval of the membership, of course) to the appropriate persons, perhaps with the co-signature of the the Florida gay equality group that has been mentioned?

I'd volunteer, but I've done so much of this stuff over the last quarter century years that I really do think we need some younger folks to step up get practiced in this kind of work.

Any takers?


On 10/10/09 10:59 AM, "Eva Kittay" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I think that not supporting FL without making a statement and sending it to
their chamber of commerce or other venue undermines the force of what we are
doing. So I support Jean's comment.  Eva