Hi all—I’m cross-posting this to the FEAST listserv. For those not on SWIP, here has been a thread, partially in response to Kate Norlock’s posting of some reports regarding the “dearth of women” in philosophy (see below), about how women philosophers can become more visible.  In response to the question here about getting funding to make videos by/about women philosophers, I recall at the FEAST conference in 2007 that such a video was shown showcasing the living treasures of feminist philosophy narrating their journey. I recall that Allison Jaggar, Susan Bordo, and Sandy Bartkey were three of the feminist greats featured; there were others I don’t recall at the moment. I don’t know who’s project this was, but I’m posting here because this seems to be the sort of thing the inquirers are looking for. What happened to that video?


On 10/14/09 2:40 PM, "Kathleen Wininger" <[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Maybe we women philosophers need to consider taking hold of our own public images.
Hello Everyone,    As people were discussing this issue, I was watching the questionable video "Nietzsche and the Nazis (2006)" available from Netflix.  This is something that circulates to potentially millions of people.  His funding stream is interesting, (see below).   
We really need something in DVD available to us and our students on youtube, netflix, and elsewhere.  I fear we are all reinventing the wheel in much of our teaching and research.  I'm always pulling together pictorial sources as well as learning about newly re-discovered historical figures.
1.  Where can we get funded?  
2.  Can we get someone interested in making a film about feminist philosophy , about the history of Swip?   Would Astra Taylor who did Zizek! and Examined Life be interested?  Could we give her an interesting angle?
3.  We have archival video, I have a vhs tape of the 10th annual  SWIP meeting at SMITH (thank you Kathy Pyne Parsons Addleson, et al).
4.  Mary Ellen Waithe of SSWP is putting together a DVD called BUSTED: A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE 21ST CENTURY.   Can we support her efforts?
5. Any ideas?
Available on Netflix     Nietzsche and the Nazis (2006)  Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party drew upon the works of famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche to justify their World War II atrocities and quest for power. In this documentary, professor Stephen Hicks
<http://www.netflix.com/RoleDisplay/Stephen_Hicks/30065214> explores Nietzsche's teachings and determines whether the Nazis correctly interpreted their meaning. History buffs and philosophy enthusiasts alike will appreciate the thorough examination Hicks conducts of this controversial topic.  supported/funded by   "interdenominational divine order," morticom website,  peruslo website

Here’s the post about women in philosophy:

It’s a great day when the Philosopher’s Magazine, the New York Times, and the Leiter blog all notice that the situation for women in philosophy is in the news.  Note that some reports are more sympathetic than others, but as my president says, I’m looking forward!  
The New York Times blurb is here:

It draws its admittedly “women are put off by adversarial culture” –focused angle from a longer and more complex argument in the TPM:

And Brian Leiter notes its circulation as well:

Kate Norlock
Kathryn J. Norlock
[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Associate Professor of Philosophy
St. Mary's College of Maryland
18952 E. Fisher Rd.
St. Mary's City, MD 20686
ph: (240) 895-4471
fax: 240-895-2188

Chaone Mallory, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085

Faculty Page
[log in to unmask]">http:[log in to unmask]

Chair, Diversity Committee, Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory

Villanova Year of Sustainability