Dear grad members of feast,
I just wanted to make a few comments before I pass the torch.  Over the time I have been involved in FEAST, grad students have complained that they are not as visible as they would like and that they do not have enough resources, etc. focused on them.  However, I have been more than a bit concerned with the participation level of grad students since I took office.  Aside from the lack of student participation on the grad list serve (for those who even bother to enlist) and in the mentoring program that was demanded, we have yet again another Binghamton University grad student rep nominee on the ballot...and no others.  This would make three two-year terms on the steering committee occupied by Binghamton students.  I am a Binghamton student so I certainly don't find that a problem.  I believe Jessica Kyle is more than competent for the position so I see nothing wrong with her being a nominee.  What I am concerned about is the lack of other nominees.  There is an apathetic atmosphere among FEAST grad for some reason.  I think that it would be a good idea for FEAST grad to discuss what their role is in the larger organization.  The steering committee is very conscious about being inclusive of the grad students and to making resources, time, and space open to them but it is better to let them know what they need to put in rather than having them do too much (we currently have someone volunteering long hours to make a mentoring website) while we complain about them doing too little.  FEAST is not only about philosophy and theory, it is also about participation and the democratic process.  It would be good for FEAST to have an active FEASTgrad.