Apologies for cross-posting
Conference Announcement

International Association for Women Philosophers

XIV IAPh Symposium 2010

Feminism, Science and Values

June 25-28, 2010

The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

co-hosted by the Department of Philosophy
and the Rotman Institute of  Science and Values

Featuring keynote addresses by  Barbara Duden (Leibniz Universität Hannover),
Lisa Gannett (St. Mary's University),  Sarah Richardson ( University of Massachusetts, Amherst),
Vandana Shiva
(Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology)
and  Nancy Tuana (Penn State University)

This will be the International Association of Women Philosophers' (http://www.iaph-philo.org) first meeting in Canada and only its second meeting in North America. 

Session themes will include:
Registration and full program information can be found at: http://www.uwo.ca/philosophy/events/iaph2010/index.html

Conference support provided by UWO Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Research Western.
Elisa A. Hurley
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
The University of Western Ontario
Stevenson Hall 4140
London, Ontario, Canada  N6A 5B8
(519) 661-2111, ext. 81583