Hello Jr.FLL Friends,

It has been brought to my attention an error on the usfirst.org website about the Jr.FLL Expo on April 30th at the Science Museum in Richmond.
Although it lists the registration fee as free, there is a $25.00 registration fee.? Sorry for the confusion.? 

For those of you just forming teams, it is not too late to participate in this Expo:

Saturday, April 30th
9:00 am - 1:00 pm (It will probably be over by 12:30 pm)
Science Museum of Virginia
$25.00 registration fee
To register:? www.vadcfll.org

The Expo is not an actual tournament, but a celebration of your Jr.FLL season (not matter how long or short).
It is a time to come have fun with other teams and to learn from one another.? There will be reviewers talking
casually with each team, but in the end everyone is a winner.? Each team will be given a table to hold their
model and show-me poster.? Even if you feel you are not ready, register and come for a morning of fun.? 

The morning will look something like this:? check in and set up, the opening ceremony, time for talking with
other teams and sharing with others what you learned, making a team flag for the parade of teams, chatting
with students from FLL, FTC, and FRC teams, and finally a parade of teams and the closing ceremony to 
celebrate everyone being a winner.? A fun morning!!

Let me know if you have any questions and enjoy the Body Forward season - register today!

Many thanks,

Sally Sylvester
FIRST Senior Mentor Virginia


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