We are inviting academic editorial contributors to the Multimedia
Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, a new online library reference
that will look at women today around the world and delve into the contexts
of being female in the 21st century. Thus the scope of the encyclopedia
will focus on women’s status starting in approximately 2000 and look

The new work will supplement the 4-volume print and online edition of the
encyclopedia recently published. The 250 signed entries (with
cross-references and recommended readings) will cover issues in
contemporary women’s and gender studies and the articles will include
information relevant to the following academic disciplinary contexts:
women in different cultures/countries; arts and media; business and
economics; criminal justice; education; family studies; health; media;
military; politics; science and technology; sports; environmental studies;
and religion.

This comprehensive project is being published in stages by SAGE Reference
and will be marketed to academic and public libraries as a digital product
available to students via the library’s electronic services. The General
Editors, who will be reviewing each submission to the project, are Dr.
Mary Zeiss Stange of Skidmore College, and Dr. Carol K. Oyster of the
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for
smaller articles up to a free set of the printed product or access to the
online product for contributions totaling 10,000 words or more.

We are making final assignments that are due June 10, 2011. The following
articles are available for contribution:

Abdi, Dekha Ibrahim 	750 
Andrabi, Asiya 	750 
Antoni, Janine	750 
Archaeology [women in]	1,200 
Ardajoun, Colonel Fatma-Zohra 	750 
Ceramics [women in]	1,000 
Combat, Women in, Iraq and Afghanistan	1,200 
Conkey, Margaret	750 
Davis-Kimball, Jeanine	750 
Ecology [women in]	1,500 
Ella1 	800 
Fake, Caterina 	750 
Flannery, Jessica Jackie	750 
Genetics [women in]	1,100 
Guns and Gun Use    	1,000 
Gupte, Lalita 	750 
Hamilton, Vijali	750 
International Women’s Brass Conference	800 
Little Dragon	800 
Markowitz, Jessica 	750 
Minashita, Kiriu 	750 
Morga, Alicia	750 
Morparia, Kalpana	750 
Musiimenta, Peace 	750 
Oceanography/Marine Biology [women in]	1,100 
Parra, Alondra de la 	750 
Persad-Bissessar, Kamla	750 
Radio Monalisa 	800 
Roundtable for Women in Foodservice (RWF) 	800 
Sappho’nun Kizlari	750 
Seronde, Adele	750 
Sharkey,Tina	750 
Sinha, Rashmi	750 
Sixth Clan	800 
Sy, Oumou 	750 
Tatarstan	800 
Traore, Rokia 	750 
Trash Fashion development for women (as economic incentive)	1,000 
Trott, Mena	750 
Wannier, Louise 	750 

If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference
with the Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, please contact
me by the e-mail information below. Please provide a brief summary of your
academic/publishing credentials in women’s and gender issues and the
articles you are interested in writing and I will confirm availability.

Thanks very much.

Sue Moskowitz
Director of Author Management
Golson Media
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