You are invited to the 6th Annual Friendship Public Charter School Arts Festival, featuring robotics demonstrations by Friendship FIRST teams!

1345 Potomac Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20003

Saturday, June 4, 2011
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Friendship PCS proudly supports the family of FIRST programs, including:

Junior FIRST LEGO League (ages 6 to 9)
Jr.FLL Team 526 Robo Tigers, Friendship Public Charter School - Southeast Campus

FIRST LEGO League (ages 9 to 14)
FLL Team 3411 RoboRaptors, Friendship Public Charter School – Woodridge Campus
FLL Team 3414 Tiger Bots, Friendship Public Charter School - Southeast Campus
FLL Team 5121 RoboKnights, Friendship Public Charter School - Blow Pierce Campus
FLL Team 5122 ChampFormers, Friendship Public Charter School - Chamberlain Campus

FIRST Tech Challenge (8th - 12th grade)
FTC Team 4331 Friendship Collegiate Academy


FIRST Robotics Competition (8th - 12th grade)
FRC Team 1446 Friendship Collegiate Academy


In Washington, D.C., Friendship operates one Transformation School in partnership with District of Columbia Public Schools:

FRC Team 2963 The Academies at Anacostia



For more information, call: 202-281-1700 or visit

Take care,

Denise M. Lewis
FIRST Assistant Regional Director - District of Columbia
For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 301-814-0331
Dream it. Design it. Build it.


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