[Note: Posted earlier to FEMMSS list and SWIP-L]

FEAST members may be interested in a new volume just out: FEMINIST EPISTEMOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE: POWER IN KNOWLEDGE, edited by Heidi Grasswick and published by Springer (as part of the Feminist Philosophy series edited by Elizabeth Potter). The table of contents can be found here: http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-4020-6835-5#section=895294&page=1  Though this book is expensive (as are all Springer books), FEAST members might be interested in Springer's "MyCopy" option. Basically, if your library subscribes to one or more of Springer's e-book collections, you will be eligible to purchase a "MyCopy" version of this volume, either hard copy or electronic, for only $25. You may want to check with the library at your institution to find out if  has the requisite subscriptions, or, perhaps, can get them. You and your students can then purchase the book reasonably, making class use a possibility. Heidi Grasswick Philosophy Dept. Middlebury College.
