Graduate student (or unemployed/underemployed other) presenters at FEAST:

If you intend to request funding to help with travel expenses for the FEAST
conference, please do so by this Friday, August 19th.

I are working on determining how much funding we have available, but I will
not know a final amount until after the conference begins, since
contributions to the travel fund tend to be made at the conference. However,
one possible form of funding assistance is for FEAST to offer one free night
of a room at the conference hotel. We are able to do this because the
organization is given some complementary rooms. We have a total of 6
complimentary room/nights available to give out, and will draw names from a
hat to decide how to allocate these.

If you are requesting funding, please include an estimate of your travel
expenses, and also let me know the following:

--Would you like to be considered for a complimentary night in the hotel as
a form of funding assistance?
--Which nights are you planning on staying in the hotel (Thur, Fri, Sat)?
--Do you already have a room reserved in your name, or are you sharing a
room in someone else's name, or have you not yet made any reservations?

We cannot offer funding to anyone who is not *presenting* at the conference;
session chairs are *not* counted as presenters.


Reply only to: <[log in to unmask]>


Lisa Tessman

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Program in Social, Political, Ethical and Legal Philosophy (SPEL)
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

Office phone: (607) 777-2269
Email: [log in to unmask]

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