Hello Jr.FLL Coaches and Friends,

I know the Snack Attack registration just opened a few weeks ago, but 
there are already many
teams registered in Virginia - how exciting!!  For those of you 
considering Jr.FLL, registration opened on August 1st and will remain 
open through April, 2012.  Jr.FLL is a very flexible program, and as a 
coach/team you can choose what season you would like to participate.  
Most teams meet for about 6 weeks and this can occur any time during 
the year.  Teams are composed of a maximum of 6 students, so the size 
is very reasonable for the  age group (ages 6-9).  No experience is 
needed to coach a team, just the desire to have fun alongside the 
team!!  When you register you will have access to coaches 
materials/resources which you will find very helpful.

Anyway, for those teams that have registered or those that are 
considering which season to participate, I want to pass on dates for 
two Jr.FLL Expos that have been set.  I'm sure there will be several 
more throughout the state, but I did want to pass these two along since 
the dates have been set.  More details will follow on times, 
registration, etc.  but you can save the date(s).

A Jr.FLL Expo will be held on December 17th in Richmond.  This Expo 
will be held at St. Christopher's School in conjunction with a FIRST 
Tech Challenge Qualifier (FTC is the mid-sized middle school/high 
school robot).  This will be an exciting day with the FTC competition 
going on for all to watch.  More details to follow.

A Jr.FLL Expo will be held on April 21st at the Science Museum of 
Virginia in Richmond.  Again, more details to follow.  This will be a 
program showcase, with representatives/robots from the other FIRST 
programs there.

I hope you all have a great Snack Attack season and I hope I'll see 
many of you at the Jr.FLL Expos!!

Sally Sylvester
Senior Mentor Virginia

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