Hey all:  Great conference!  I really enjoyed it a whole lot, in spite
of complaints about the hotel food, noise etc. because the people were
great and the papers and discussions really high quality.  It was
wonderful to meet a number of younger feminist scholars, and I do hope
everyone who promised to remembers to send me their papers!

I have a suggestion for the Steering Committee.  Could you send all
the participants a list of the names and addresses of those registered
for the conference as well as their email addresses.  If it is too
hard to do that for this past conference, maybe it could be a hard
copy handout to be included in the packet at the next conference
registration.  It makes it so much easier to remember new people to
have their names written down, and also to contact them by email.

In solidarity, Ann

Ann Ferguson
Professor emerita of Philosophy and Women's Studies UMass Amherst and
feminist activist