BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY/THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, tenure-track, beginning August 2012. AOS: Ethics broadly construed or Social and Political Philosophy. AOC: Ability to teach applied ethics highly desirable. The Department seeks a candidate able to contribute to its doctoral program in Social, Political, Ethical and Legal Philosophy, as well as the interdisciplinary undergraduate program in Philosophy, Politics and Law. Teaching load is 2 courses per semester. Usual non-teaching duties. To apply, please email complete dossier (cover letter, CV, and brief writing sample) in PDF or Word format to Joy Tassey, Philosophy Department Administrator, at [log in to unmask], indicating "Ethics/Social and Political Search" in the subject line. A minimum of three confidential letters of recommendation should be sent either via Interfolio to the above address, or in hard copy to Joy Tassey, Department of Philosophy, Box 6000 Binghamton NY 13902-6000. Deadline for applications is November 15. The Search Committee will conduct interviews via Skype in mid-December. Binghamton University and the State University of New York are Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employers.

Lisa Tessman

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Program in Social, Political, Ethical and Legal Philosophy (SPEL)
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

Office phone: (607) 777-2269
Email: [log in to unmask]

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