Hello Jr.FLL Coaches and Friends,

First, I hope you all had a great Snack Attack season and are getting 
excited about the upcoming Super Seniors season!
Registration for Super Seniors opens on August 1st and we hope to see 
you all back again!  Remember you can use
your same LEGOS from last year, so you'll only have to pay the 
registration fee.  With Jr.FLL growing rapidly in Virginia/DC
we will have more Jr.FLL Expos next year and hope to even have some in 
the late fall.

To read about Super Seniors, go to:

Now, I am looking for some Jr.FLL teams to come and help showcase the 
program at a fun, family event.

Spring N2 Summer - Saturday, June 16th  Science Museum of Virginia - 
This is a fun, family event with lots of activities going on and a way 
to kick off the start of summer.
We will be having all four FIRST programs there as well as fun, 
hands-on engineering activities for young students.

I would love to have a table showcasing Jr.FLL.  The event is from 9am 
- 5 pm, but we will have three shifts so teams don't have
to stay the entire day.  Even if only a couple members can come that is 
fine! I would like the Jr.FLL teams to bring along their
model and Show-Me Poster and we'll have a table for you to display them 

9:00am - 11:30 am
11:30am - 2:00 pm (pizza included)
2:00 - 4:30 pm

Please let me know if you are interested in helping with this fun 
event.  There will also be FLL, FTC and FRC robots there!!

Sally Sylvester
Senior Mentor Virginia

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