I've not seen a Jr.FLL team use the NXT - while I suppose it is possible, I think it might be unsatisfying for the kids because they wouldn't be able to use it to its maximum potential (the FLLers use it over a larger space, we Jr.FLLers are limited to the baseplate).  

Have you tried the WeDo kit for your Jr.FLL team?  If not, I would recommend you start there - it will allow the kids to do more than the base Jr.FLL kit including some programming.  


On Aug 24, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Ash Banerjee wrote:

> Hello - Has anyone used the FLL kits ( Lego Mindstorm NXT) for a Jr FLL team ? 
> The kids in my team are keen on using Mindstorm as opposed to the Jr FLL kit for 
> building their project . Please advice.
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